Homemade Colon Cleansers

by Safe Cleansing Team on October 22, 2010

One of the kinds of questions I most commonly receive is regarding homemade colon cleansers.

Since colon cleansing and detox  has mushroomed into a huge business over the past 10 years it’s understandable if you want to get some straight answers about making your own cleanses using ingredients at home.   In this article I’m going to answer the major questions you may have about at home colon cleansers so that you can make an informed decision about how you should proceed with at home detox.

Are Colon Cleansers Really Worth It In General?

With all the hype and slick salesmanship surrounding cleansing, it’s no surprise that some people think of cleanses a “snake oil.”   In my experience, nothing could be further from the truth.   While it is true that colon cleansers range in quality from very very bad to incredibly helpful, nearly all efforts to cleanse and detox the body are met with positive health outcomes.   In my practice I’ve seen everything from the healing of acne to permanent weight loss to the curing of some forms of cancer through cleansing.     Based on my experience, I think nearly everyone should undergo a thorough cleanse every year or so.

Is It Really Possible To Make Homemade Colon Cleansers?

To answer this question in just a word:  “yes” it is possible to make effective cleansers at home with both common and uncommon ingredients.   I know this because I do it myself and have taught thousands of others to do the same.   When I started cleansing about 10 years ago, I used many of the expensive types of herbal detox programs.   After I found one I really liked, I realized that the ingredients were easy to source and put together.   Next time, I made it myself and ended up saving about $80.   That’s a great deal!

Are Homemade Colon Cleansers Safe?

This is a very important question.  Please take the time to read through this carefully.    In scouring the internet for home remedy cleansing recipes and programs I have unfortunately found several that are potentially harmful to your health.   Be careful of any of those “free” recipes out there that don’t have complete instructions and very precise measurements of the ingredients involved.    Especially watch out for any recipe that contains an herb called “senna.”   Senna is very powerful and can cause severe digestive problems if it is used in too high of doses.   Also, know that enemas and colemas are only a very gentle and light form of at home cleansing.  Don’t expect massive health gains from using them.

That said, with the proper information and guidance, it is indeed possible to learn to make effective colon cleansers at home that you can use over and over again.   Once you’ve learned the process and found a recipe that works for you it’ s something easy to repeat and even share with others.

Do Homemade Colon Cleansers Work As Well As Ones You Buy In The Store?

This is a great question and to answer it fully, I’d have to review many different kinds of cleanses.   Let me say this, though.   Homemade colon cleansers do work as well as the best cleanses out there as long as you source quality ingredients, have good recipes and follow the instructions to a “t.”  The advantages of saving money and empowering yourself are obvious.

Am I Better Off With A Homemade Colon Cleanser?

If you are someone with an interest in learning and a person who likes to “do it yourself,” then making a homemade colon cleanser is the way to go.   It’s not hard.  In fact, one recipe I use takes about 4 minutes to make and only uses ingredients available at ANY supermarket.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Wilna January 27, 2011 at 12:47 pm

Hello, I am looking for a homemade colon cleanse recipe which will definitely remove the ‘snake’ from my colon. I do ozone colonics regularly and have done a juice fast for 10 days.
I want the ‘snake’ out of my body..pls help..I do not want to buy any product, I want to make my own. I cant find the free recipes on your website. Did one of these recipes had the ‘snake’ come out?

Safe Cleansing Team February 1, 2011 at 7:58 am

Thanks for your question about Home Remedy Colon cleansing.

In our experience the best way to get plaque out of your body is to use herbs to cleanse. We have developed a very effective
herbal colon cleanse recipe that you can make on your own for about $15 (cost of all ingredients) for 10-15 days. I’d recommend
doing this program at least 2x per year until your colon is running clean. You can get more details here:




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