Colon Cleansing Recipes – The 5 Most Common Mistakes

by Safe Cleansing Team on February 12, 2010

It is possible to colon cleanse with home remedy colon cleansing programs and get very good results.  I’ve done it many times and have helped thousands of other people to learn to do the same.

If you do decide to go with a home remedy colon cleansing recipe, here are 5 common mistakes to avoid.

1.  Starting With A Poor Quality Recipe

Not all homemade colon cleanse recipes are the same.  Any recipe you try should have specific ingredients lists, clear instructions on how to take it and detailed guidelines of what to expect during your cleanse.

2.  Using Non-Organic Ingredients

To get the most from any home remedy cleanse you try, you need to use the purest and best quality ingredients that you can find.  Otherwise you are making it harder on your body to cleanse by putting pesticides, and other chemicals into it.

Also if you use herbs in your cleanse, make sure to ask if they are irradiated.  If they are, don’t use them, because they won’t work.

3.  Not Sticking to The Diet

All colon cleansing that gets really positive results requires that you follow a cleansing diet.  In general terms this means avoiding all heavy foods and eating light, refreshing fresh foods.  It also means that you eat less during your cleanse.

Following a cleansing diet is important because the less energy your body needs for digestion, the more it can use for cleansing.

4.  Not Eating Enough Fiber

Fiber is like a broom that helps sweep out the intestines.  With the exception of cleanses that call for fasting, your cleanse should include extra fiber.  This is usually in the form of a fiber supplement or an extra dose of high fiber foods.

5.  Not Drinking Enough Pure Water

It’s very important to drink plenty of pure water during your cleanse.  Water is the universal solvent and will help your body to release more toxins.  Make sure to use filtered or distilled water and not tap water.

6. BONUS – Not Staying On The Cleanse Long Enough

Getting results on a colon cleanse at home takes time.  Don’t fall into the trap of expecting to undo years of bad eating habits in just a few days.  Be patient and take things step by step.

And now I would like to offer you 3 top colon cleansing recipes that are easy to make and proven to get great results. You can get more details by clicking on the highlighted text.

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